Monday, June 30, 2008

Transition to full-time freelance writing is in full swing...

It's becoming official. I have now cut my hours at my day job to 7am-noon and am home by 12:15 everyday to do freelance work and am now freed up to have a full-time schedule. Up until now I have been working from the time I got home at 4pm until I went to bed (with the exception of a meal in there and maybe a television show) and mostly all day on weekends. It was mostly alright with me, I love what I do and I even love the grunt-work aspect, the organizing, the billing, the finances, etc. so it didn't seem all that bad. I haven't felt like it was taking up all my time, I haven't dreaded doing my freelance work, and my Dude is usually busy playing Xbox or his work he brought home from the office. But I am free to actually schedule myself, have quiet time just me and my computer and write like crazy. Then I still have time to hang out with my Dude. Also, I'm pretty much making the same as I did at my full-time day job so all is good so far.

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