Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Regaining that creative flow

I subscribe to Pamela Slim's blog and newsletter Escape From Cubicle Nation and yesterday's newsletter was about life getting in the way of creativity entitled, "How to be creative when you feel like a brick of concrete" and I could have sworn Pamela Slim had been stalking me yesterday.

I have been running on manic energy trying to get my blogs launched, trying to get my freelance business going, it's all I've thought about, it's been my entire life for awhile now but it's all logistical stuff, I've not been as successful in my creativity lately because I'm too busy trying to take care of all these smaller matters that some part of me thought was going to allow me to be creative...and it may, but I need to slow down and back off because they are really just a distraction. My mind tricked me! I thought I was doing all this in the name of creativity and really it was just a clever ploy to get me to put off writing.

Slim wrote mostly about other aspects of life getting us caught up in the whirlwind: family, pets, other jobs until we're so exhausted that we just want to get away and we think that by sitting on the couch watching hours of TV or cuddling up with a bottle of wine will do it but that just robs us of creativity even more. (wow, what a run-on!)

She offers suggestions of exercise, getting away with the purpose of writing or engaging your creativity, helping others, etc.

I have things that I do personally to regain my creativity, that I would share now if I didn't have to get ready for my regular job. So, I will post more about that later.

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