Saturday, June 21, 2008

Keep that creative mind working

Here's an excerpt of a freelance writing tips article I wrote for a contest on Writer's Resources click on the links to read the full article.

Mind Wandering Excerpt:

Maybe you’ve been here—you have a project due to your editor tomorrow morning and you’ve dabbled at it here and there for a week but now that it’s due tomorrow, it’s crunch time so you spend the entire day forcing words out, backspacing, forcing more words and it’s just not working. You start with a blank document thinking it will help you refocus your thoughts. Nothing. Eventually, in the middle of the night you end up with some semblance of an article that you turn in the next day, not necessarily happy with your work, but just happy to have it done. I’ve so been there. What I found as a remedy surprised me (and stressed me out until I got used to it). When you are trying to focus you are narrowing your mind, forcing it into a box that’s limited by your subject matter...

Read the full article here

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