Monday, June 16, 2008

Trying to write on a trip....

Ok, so I'm back from a whirlwind trip to Colorado and ready to post! The purpose of my trip was to tie up some loose ends with our previous landlord and get our beautiful deposit back, and plan this long-distance wedding we're trying to plan.
So I take my laptop with every intention of writing at every possible moment, the plane, the airport, the car, morning coffee, the hotel, etc. and so I schlep this 4.4 pound laptop everywhere, go through the irritatingly inconvenient ritual of removing my laptop, shoes, belt, jacket, dignity, jewelry, and everything else short of the under-wire in my bra to get through security--which now in some airports includes some radiation test where you stand in a tube, put your arms in the air so that everyone three rows over and behind you can see your pit stains caused from driving in Houston with no AC in the car, while a glass door slides around you...the cool thing is that you get to see your skeleton and besides the fact that you now notice you probably have scoliosis, it's pretty cool.
So, back to the laptop...I cart it everywhere on my trip, now have knots in my shoulder from doing so and do not have one damn word to show for it. My time was so consumed with appointments and trying to meet with 10 different friends at 10 different times that I didn't have a chance to write at all. Write on the plane, you say? I would have but I was in the middle seat and it really creeps me out when people can easily watch me write and read everything I'm writing. And people do...until I turn to stare at them and they bury their nose back into their crossword puzzle, but I really like avoiding confrontation and I'll still feel like they are watching me and I'll just sit there trying to find something to write that they would be impressed by, just in case I'm sitting next to David Sedaris' publishing folks at Little Brown and they want to offer me a contract. Ha.
There's no point to this, just expressing some freelance frustration. I got a few quips down from conversations that I can use later, but no actual work. Such is the freelance life, I guess.

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