Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Does Your Website Reflect Your Writing?

For awhile now I have been noticing websites that offer a certain service, but that service is not reflected on their website.

I came across a few web design sites and immediately turned away because they were hard to navigate, hard to read, had way too much content all over the place, disorganized, links I wanted weren't in plain view, the design wasn't creative or it was TOO creative and there were no readily visible links. I imagine the bounce rates on these sites are high, but I could be wrong.

If I were to hire someone to do a service for me then it should be clear on their homepage whether they would probably be a good fit for me in order for me to move into the site.

The same thing goes for writers. I see freelance writers who list SEO content on their website as one of their services--sometimes their specialization, yet their own site is not optimized. If one of your visitors notices this, you will likely lose some credibility and a potential client. Even if you have great examples of your SEO content in your online portfolio on your site, the potential client probably won't get that far. Your site and specifically your homepage is often your first impression, so make sure you are delivering to yourself what you are offering to your customers.


Kimberly Ben said...


I am guilty as charged! I am in the midst of rewriting the content for my website and redesigning it. It is not properly optimized, but I plan to correct that and more. **lowers head in shame**

Courtney said...

Ack! I hope I didn't sound too judgmental! I've had the freelance writer blues the last couple days and I think it's showing in my writing and communications. Yikes! I have to be more careful.
I love your blog and your site! I just came across your blog the other day and think you have so much useful information to share that's different from many freelance writing blogs! Good luck on optimizing your site!