Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Organizing Your Time for Blogging

Often my mind is filled with the work that needs to be done for clients every day, or personal essay ideas I need to pursue while the muse is still sitting on the couch with me, my laptop and my pot of coffee. So when I need to sit down and do a blog post I have problems shifting my brain into that mode and focusing on a topic, or even coming up with a topic.

I use a method I described in a previous post where I save a bunch of drafts that either just have a topical title or a bit of text so I can just log in, pick one that's already started and be good to go. However, I needed a little more help to keep me on task so what I've started doing is sitting down for a couple hours on Sunday, writing 2 or 3 blog posts and scheduling them to post during the week. That way I don't have to worry about it when I just really have to buckle down on a personal essay idea I have or a client project. It helps to keep me organized, posting regularly and keeps my stress levels low because it's one less thing I have to do several times a week. Plus, when I start writing a blog post I'm often tempted to shoot off onto other blogs and get sucked in for 2 hours reading blogs when I should be working.

Something you could try if you also have trouble finding time or motivation to blog at inconvenient times.

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