Sunday, August 3, 2008

Freelancing: The Virtually Recession Proof Business

As freelance writers it's easy to get a little apprehensive about the future of our jobs. Will I have enough work next week? Next month? Next year? Recession or not, as freelancers we don't always have the most secure jobs. Then you add the anxiety of recession in there and it's a wonder we're not all on Xanax.
However, let's put this into perspective a little bit. Let's say you had a "real" job, a 9-5 or whatever, and the gas prices continue to go up and we dive head first into full-blown recession. If you are in an industry that is affected by a recession then you become one of the first in line to to lose your job, and let's say you do. Then what? You are 100% out of work at that moment. You had one source of income that at one time seemed like the more stable option. You thought you were being realistic, sensible, doing your duty to support your family or yourself and now it's gone and you have to attempt to find a job during a recession while also worrying about health insurance and the like.

BUT, if you are a freelance writer or other freelancer, you're likely safer than you think. Consider the fact that as a freelancer you have the opportunity to work with many varied types of companies, some of which will be affected by a recession and force them to cut back, but many others won't be affected as much. So let's say you are a freelancer who has 15 clients you work with on a fairly regular basis, you might lose some of them but the chance that you'll still have at least 20% of your clients is really quite good. So that means you're at least still making 20% of your income as opposed to losing your entire income in one day. Then you just pick up the pace on your marketing strategies a bit, target the companies that seem like they have a better chance of thriving even in a recession and go about your merry freelancing way.

Then you add the fact that as a freelancer you're likely saving on gas by not commuting everyday and eating out at lunch.

Freelancing can be stressful, recession can be intimidating, but ultimately you are likely in a better position than working for Ford in the SUV division. There's always work out there for freelancers but not always work for the rest of the country. Consider yourself fortunate.

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