Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kick Your Writer's Block Out of the House with Blogs

I found something very interesting about my writing process the other day...I found that when I blog I write faster, it's stream-of-conciousness, and I don't worry about what I'm writing I just get it down.
This is NOT how it works when I work in a word processor. When I work in Microsoft Word or other, I stare at a blank page, every word matters and I can't seem to just "let go." It's painful and makes me move slower than I want or need to. idea is to start a private blog where I can write every day--things I'm working on for people, my creative work, a journal, etc. No one reads it and I don't have to worry about what I'm writing but I still get the feeling of writing a blog post.

Do whatever you have to do to be an effective writer. If you have to trick your mind into thinking it's doing something else, then do it!
I'm constantly playing games with my mind to get it be more efficient and get things done so my stress levels stay low. Which in turn tricks me into believing I have some sort of control over it when really it's as manic as the tweakers who lived next door to me in college and would wake me up with their vacuuming every night. My brain likes to vacuum at inconvenient times too.

Do you trick your mind to make your process easier?

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